Remember this project?
Several months ago I wrote about this primitive pie safe that I rescued from the basement at my Mom and Dad's house.
Real life, in the form of a house fire that left my brother seriously injured intruded and while I managed to finish the project, I completely forgot about posting pictures.
I decided to leave the pie safe in it's original shabby state as much as possible so I simply gave it a good washing and brushed away some of the loose paint. The whole thing was covered in good old red Georgia dirt and I even had to get rid of a few dirt dauber nests.
Don't you just love the tiny bits of screen left around the edges of the openings.
Just look at the fabulous dovetail doors and the old metal latch!
Here it is in my kitchen and filled with some of my favorite things.
I covered the shelves with some vintage looking fabric I've had for a while.
The apron hanging from the drawer pull belonged to my mother. I found it soon after she died last April. It still has the remnants of the last batch of her famous biscuits she made.
I touch it every day.
I wish I could make those biscuits like she could!
Just sayin'.......................
I love this! It looks amazing and I love all of your favorite things inside! I think you did an outstanding job! The best touch of all though has to be your mom's apron! What an honor to have her apron right there with you in your home.